Uli Auliani Sexy Pose

Uli Auliani back showing off her beauty in her latest film, a result of promiscuity. However, Uli admitted to not worry about getting a negative image because of its appearance in the film which is always hot.

"Not to worry. Let people judge me acting in this film, "Uli said when met at Planet Hollywood, Jakarta, some time ago.

Although often look sexy, Uli always maintain the association. He claimed never to get involved free sex (free sex) like in the movie that starred.

"I do not always avoid the obvious. To avoid this, I only selectively in the association. So I bertemen same friend who just fine. If a friend began to diverge, better stay away, "he explained.

Uli is also trying to keep the faith in the association. "Want to live in any society as freely as if we have a strong foundation of faith, I think the hurdles still be faced. Not going to fall down to sex, "he said.

"In life, I better not have a friend than to have a friend who did not bener direction," said Uli.