Tiffany Crystal Is Good At Twitpics


It’s Friday, and around these parts, that means just one thing…it’s almost time for #FriskyFriday. If you follow that particular set of Internet awesome, then you know that it basically amounts to a seemingly endless stream of sexy Twitpics posted by Playmates and models from all across this great land. But did you know that each week, Hef and his lady, Playmate Shera Bechard, go through those Twitpics and decide which one is the best of the week?

Well a couple of weeks ago, the super sexy (and excellently named) Tiffany Crystal was chosen as the big winner of #FriskyFriday madness after posting this hot pic.


An excellent choice indeed. But the fun doesn’t stop there. After being chosen as the weekly #FriskyFriday winner, Tiffany got in touch and asked if we’d be interested in posting a few more pics. We politely declined.

Just joking, we couldn’t say “yes” fast enough, actually. And along with a treasure trove of hot photos, Tiffany also sent along some words for her fans at The Smoking Jacket…

"I am Tiffany Crystal, you might recognize me from last week’s #FriskyFriday as Hef and Shera’s pic for the week. Well, interesting enough, the day after the #FriskyFriday pic I was down in South Florida shooting at a “Mini Mansion.” Now, I think the pictures turned out awesome, but I was thinking how better they would look if I was naked and on the pages of Playboy. Do you agree? Well I hope you (and Mr.Hefner) do! Enjoy the pics! And be sure to follow me on Twitter @Tiff_Crystal

So, do you agree? Naked would be better? Maybe, but for now, you’ll have to settle for what you can get, which is also pretty damn amazing. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s Tiffany Crystal.

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